Ubuntu Oneiric with Wine and OpenGL

Yesterday I suddenly couldn't start my wow client anymore as opengl was apparently broken. After a great deal of searching a few suggestions came up.

  • Make sure nvidia 32bit libraries are installed
    • I have no idea what this means. I know the nVidia distributed drivers will install these if you let them, but as I'm using the Ubuntu package and not the distributed drivers this made no sense to me.
  • Update to the latest Wine
    • This had no effect, but forced me to finally do the update I have been putting off. So I guess that was alright.
As none of the suggestions had any effect, I started digging in /usr/lib32 and found the libGL.so and libGL.so.1 was linking to the Mesa versions and not the nvidia versions. Changing the links finally made it work again. 

I'm still a bit surprised it suddenly stopped working, but I guess that's to be expected on a beta distribution.